Introducing: FLASH REVIEW

It's time to introduce a new concept on my blog called 'Flash Review'.

Let me tell you how I came to this.
End of 2015: Silke went MIA on her blog due to internship responsibilities
January 2016: Silke announced she returned to her blog because she had graduated and wouldn't be so busy anymore.
March 2016: Silke unexpectedly got offered and started a new job and has been busier than ever.
2016: MIA all over again.

I'm annoyed at myself for constantly being convinced that 'this time I won't abandon the blog' and then end up doing it simply because life gets too hectic. Especially as I want to continue this blog and I want to continue writing about writing and reviewing books I've read.

But like many I have a busy job with long hours and I'm struggling to balance everything. Seriously, I don't get how other people do it! Tell me your secrets!
Anyway, because I have noticed that I tend to postpone reviews because of lack of time and then end up forgetting what I wanted to put in them 'cause I've already finished another book, I needed to find a solution.

Bring in: Flash Reiews.
What this concept mainly means to me is that by using the term 'flash review' the reader is aware of the short length of the review.
It will usually consist out of mostly one paragraph and include my main thoughts on the book and the reading experience.
Where with other reviews I would go into bigger detail and summarize the story, etc., Flash reviews will bring it back to its core.

It allows me to keep blogging even when I have a minimum amount of time. Besides, you know what they say....sometimes less is more.
